Finding Frances - the biography of Frances Darlington (Sculptor)





Finding Frances - the biography of Frances Darlington (Sculptor)


Hardback £55

Paperback - revised 2016 edition £35

Fully illustrated. Hardback copy has coated paper and significantly better quality illustrations.

Paperback is the revised edition with new information added.

Frances Darlington (1880-1940) is best known in her home county of Yorkshire where her public works of art punctuate the cultural landscape. However, Darlington trained in London with some of the most prominent names in twentieth century British Art (her tutors included Sir George Frampton and Edouard Lanteri) and was contemporary with what has become known as the “Golden Epoch” of the Slade. Despite exhibiting and selling her work worldwide, the story of this remarkable artist was in danger of being lost. Drawing on her own research, family photographs and correspondence her great, great niece has pieced together a life, putting the work of Frances Darlington into a comprehensive historical and biographical context .

Also available as an ebook here